Bed Bugs also known as Cimex lectularius
Bed bugs are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Bed bugs feed upon the blood of humans or even your pets. Their food source is blood, specifically from you and your family or your business customers. Therefore, it's imperative to have a plan against these pests.
Bed bugs are reddish-brown, small, and are about I/4 inch long, wingless, flattened bodies, with six legs. Bed bugs are active mainly at night. During the daytime, they prefer to hide close to where people sleep.
Their flattened bodies enable them to fit into tiny crevices–especially those associated with mattresses, box springs, bed frames and headboards. Under favorable conditions (70-80°F), the bugs can mature fully in as little as a month, producing multiple generations per year.
If there any possible infestation of these tiny pests the clean-up process is very intensive to end the possible infestation. Just be aware, that you might need to discard the mattress or mattresses depending on the seriousness of the infestation.
Here is a list of the most common signs of a possible infestation:
How to get rid of this?...
To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.
Bed Bugs Pest Control
They are here to stay! Rarely heard about even fifteen years ago, this former “slum” resident has worked it’s way into homes, businesses – even into the highest priced Hotels. They travel with you in Taxi’s, Buses, Airplanes seats – they’re everywhere! Reports of Bedbugs inside average homes is on the increase with no end in sight!
Why? The demise of potent DDT and other early 1st-generation pesticide products from the 1970’s on – especially in most 3rd world countries has given this beast a resurgence. Increased travel has given rise to transporting these insects from Cruise Ships, to Ferries, to taxis, personal cars, leisure boats, carried luggage, bed rolls and even your personal own clothing – with nothing to stop the along the way.
With South and Central Florida’s heavy tourism traffic to and from the Central America’s and Caribbean it’s no surprise that next Cruise isn’t going to carry some ‘special’ luggage back to your Hotel in Orlando and even your home. Neoguard, has the Solution, as we already mentioned, we handle this sort of pest all the time, give us a chance to show you exactly how.
Some of the physical methods of controlling bedbugs include steam cleaning, vacuuming, heating, freezing, washing, and throwing out items. Also, natural products found at most stores.
A word of wisdom, when it comes to these kind of pest, we recommend the use and implementation of a Professional Bed Bugs Pest Control Service. Although, some of the methods above might work temporarily, but as a business owner it's imperative to implement an Integrated Pest Management program because in your home or business there is not second chance for a pleasant first impression. Therefore, don't wait and schedule your free inspection today.
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